God wants us to live trusting in Him and there are things we need to grasp to live with purpose.
1. We must be born again! (new opportunity and new beginning) 1 Peter 1:3 When we accept God's purpose for our lives we will obtain a LIVING HOPE!
2. We will receive an inheritance from God. (gifts, rewards, hope and faith) 1 Peter 1:4-5 God's gifts are forever, they do not rot or spoil or perish.
3. We beleive even though we do not see. 1 Peter 1: 8
In the desert in the Book of Numbers chapter 21, Moses had to raise a serpent made out of bronze so that the people that had rebelled against God and had been bitten by venemous snakes would be healed. The only thing that was needed was faith.
We must beleive.